Madrasah Al Qamar -
Apply Now


Interested in joining?

Interested in joining Madrasah Al Qamar? Complete the form below.

Applications are now open. If you have any queries, please contact us on:

Qamar Directline: 07492 776093

We are no longer taking new applications. Please check back again!

Applicant's Information
Parent/Guardian's Information
Emergency Contact Information
Medical Information
If your child does not have any medical conditions, please state N/A
Fee Payment
We offer two payment options:
• Annual: £400 (Save £40)
• Monthly: £44 per month (10 monthly payments)
Madrasah Time Preference
In line with the GDPR regulation, your data will only be utilised for the purposes of Madrasah Al Qamar. We will delete any irrelevant data in line with regular reviews.
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