Holiday Request



Are you planning on taking your child away on holiday during term time? If so, please read the important information below before booking any holidays. 

  • Before taking your child away on holiday during term time, it is your responsibility to inform the Madrasah. As there is no automatic entitlement to holidays during term time, we require a reasonable amount of notice for holiday requests so that they can be reviewed. 
  • In some situations, holiday requests may be declined. This may be due to occasions such as exams, informal assessments etc.
  • On occasions where there are exceptional reasons for leave during term time, holiday requests may be approved. 

We strongly urge parents not to take holidays during term time. 

Absences from Madrasah can affect your child’s progress and attainment within their group. The education of your child could be disrupted both prior to and after any leave, causing them to fall behind.

For every week of Madrasah your child misses, they lose 5 valuable hours of education which can never be regained. Please endeavour to ensure that holidays are planned appropriately.

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact us on or 07492 776093.

Student's Information
Holiday Details
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